About Us
Joseph Bau House
"Joseph Bau House” is an authentic artist workshop that conveys to the visitor the amazing life story of Joseph Bau reflected in his wide range of creativity including movies, animation, paintings, graphics, literature and research of the Hebrew language – all spiced with his special humor stemming from his optimistic view of life.
Rebecca and Joseph Bau are the original couple whose wedding is shown in the movie "Schindler´s List”. Only after his death it was revealed that he worked in the Mossad as a graphic artist who forged documents for Israeli spies, including Eli Cohen. Joseph Bau immigrated to Israel in 1950 with a dream to make animated movies in the Holy Land. In his studio where he worked for 40 years and which his daughters turned into a museum, you can see animated movies, the original equipment he built to create them, his paintings and graphic art, all this accompanied by fascinating stories told by his daughters with humor and a smile.